
By Alexi B.

A clan full of adorable and mystical creatures
and a world full of fantasy and magic!

Icon by Anouki


Name: Nijiko


Name Meaning: Nijiko is a combination of the two Japanese terms "虹" (Niji) which means "rainbow" and "子" (Ko) which means "child". She is a rainbow child


Species: Fox and wolf hybrid


Gender: Female


Day of Birth: 3rd April


Age Group: Adult


Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Night


Shoulder Height: 40 cm


Weight: 20 kg


Love Partner: None


Children: None



Nijiko is a cool and colourful fox and wolf hybrid with a slim and somewhat athletic body. Her fur is quite silky and fluffy and it's covered with all sorts of vibrant colours which are similar to the colours of a rainbow. From her two front paws to her hind paws, the colours white, black, yellow, orange, a pinkish red, a pinkish purple, purple, blue, light blue, teal, and green extend. The colours on her tail show a similar pattern, it starts with black and is followed by purple, blue, light blue and white. Her neck fur on the side and back is pinkish purple and pinkish red and her head is orange and yellow with a white muzzle. In-between some of these colour patterns, like on her face, body and tail black curved stripes can be observed. Her chest, belly, rest of the paws, back of legs and underside of her belly show a white colour. Nijiko has playful black short hair and her ears are purple and black with a white ear fluff. She has heterochromia and her left eye is pink and her right eye blue. She has a triangular-shaped black nose, black claws and light pink paw pads (beans). Her beautiful fur is constantly glowing brightly in her fur colours


Character Traits:

  • Extrovert

  • Party-giver

  • Organisational skills

  • Very persuasive

  • Partier

  • Loud

  • Dance-crazy

  • Wild

  • Perky

  • Often hyper



  • Nijiko produces and emits light form her whole body constantly. That way she can lighten up the night in many different colours. The way she glows is particularly strong and bright. Unlike other creatures, the glowing requires almost no energy and she has the ability to vary the intensity of her glowing from a dimmed one to a dazzling bright one. Even the highest degree consumes only a small amount of energy. She can even control and manipulate her glow to illuminate dark places in a variety of ways. For example, she can decide which parts of her fur light up and which remain dark and alternate between different colours so that it resembles a colourful disco floor for example. This glowing cannot be turned off though

  • She has the ability to make certain objects and even creatures glow temporarily in all sorts of colours

  • She is an amazing party planner and host and always finds a way to cheer up the creatures around her. No one throws parties as fantastic and wild as she does. She works closely with her best friend Colada and her friends Harley and Melody. Depending on the type of party, she hires one or more creatures from this group to provide the best party mood. For example, Colada is hired as bartender and for certain live performancecs, Harley for dance events and Melody for concerts

  • She is also incredibly persuasive and a true master of persuasion. She can even convince the biggest party poopers to attend one of her legendary parties, a decision they never regret

  • She has the ability of speech and she speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course she is able to interact with her fellow species and other animals and creatures. She can even translate to a certain extent

  • Unlike other foxes and wolves, she can see almost all existing colours. She can see pretty well in the dark



  • Her glowing cannot simply be "stopped". She can dim it to a certain extent, but not turn it off. This makes it difficult for her to hide for example

  • Planning and attending parties and similar events are of central importance to her—to the point where it could be considered a minor obsession. She tends to go overboard at times, often neglecting her own needs, particularly sleep, which isn't exactly beneficial to her health. However, when there’s a lack of parties or if nothing wild  or loud is going on, she quickly becomes bored and can even slip into a depressive mood if the "party drought" lasts too long

  • She is quite a wild and loud creature, which not all the beings around her appreciate



  • Partying, planning and hosting parties

  • Nightclubs, discos and the like

  • Dancing and raving

  • Glowing and bright things and vibrant colours

  • Cheering up others with her colourful glowing fur and her magical powers

  • Loud music

  • Her family and friends, especially her best friend Colada

  • "Painting the town red"

  • A lot of space for dancing and being wild

  • Pulling an all-nighter



  • Lack of parties and the like

  • Boredom

  • Party poopers

  • Killjoys

  • Too much seriousness

  • Faded and dull things and places

  • Tiredness and exhaustion

  • Noise complaints

  • Small spaces

  • Being forced to stay still and quiet for long periods of time


Further Information:

  • She has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though she is a fox and wolf hybrid. Her favourite foods are vegetables, fruits and nuts

  • She was born in the Land of Eternal Night a gorgeous land which is full of colourful and glowing plants and creatures. As the name implies, the land is in a state of eternal night. It is a very soothing and peaceful land. It’s been a while since she moved to the Land of Eternal Dusk. The reason for her move was to find new party locations and because she needed a change of scenery. However, she often returns to her homeland and regularly visits other countries to bring more party vibes

  • She and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. She gets along best with her best friend Colada, Melody and Harley. They frequently meet and work together to organise and host the most unforgettable parties and events for the other creatures


Nijiko belongs to Sylviparda (website owner)

Nijiko was drawn, designed and adopted from CuteMoonMochi

Base used by Chesta

Her design was modified by Sylviparda