
By Alexi B.

A clan full of adorable and mystical creatures
and a world full of fantasy and magic!

Icon by Anouki


Name: Nera


Name Meaning: "Nera" is the female form of "black" in Italian, but also "light" or "candle" in Hebrew


Species: Bengal tiger and marbled Bengal cat hybrid


Gender: Female


Day of Birth: 8th August


Age Group: Teenager


Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Dawn


Shoulder Height: 45 cm


Weight: 41 kg


Love Partner: Kai


Children: None



Nera is a magical and fairy-like Bengal tiger and marbled Bengal cat hybrid, which resembles a chimera cat. Her design is inspired by a shiny pearl and the dark deep sea. Her right and her left side differ very much: Her ride side is almost entirely black and her left side is white with a pink and light pink marble-like striped pattern. In addition, she has three adorable heart-shaped spots on her body: One of them is bigger, light pink and sits on her left paw. The second one is smaller, dark pink and can be found on her left upper hindleg. The third and the smallest one is light pink and is on her lower right belly. It is the only mark she has on her black right side. She has a mid-long and fluffy tail. It's right side is almost fully black, except one little white part and it's left side has pink marbled stripes and a white tip. She is slim, elegant and quite fluffy. Her fur is extremely soft and silky and it is very shiny when the sun is shining directly onto it. She has heterochromia, her right eye is dark pink and her left eye is bluish-grey. On her left eye she has the typical pointy line which looks just like the cat eyes makeup. She has a cute triangular-shaped dark pink nose and her paw pads (beans) are light pink. She has no whiskers





















Character Traits:

  • Outgoing

  • Graceful

  • Free-spirited

  • independent

  • Warm-hearted

  • Swag

  • Tough

  • Erratic

  • Vivid

  • Cheeky

  • Stubborn



  • She is an excellent swimmer and diver and, thanks to her magical powers, she is able to even breathe under water and the pressure of the water has no effect on her. It also does not matter whether she is in fresh- or saltwater. Her very smooth and silky fur supports her while moving under water without the need of any fins whatsoever. She can easily track objects or other creatures that are located under the surface, even when being deep down in the water

  • She has the incredible ability to control water to a certain extent. She can magically filter and condense water from the air and can pour it wherever she desires. This requires quite the amount of magical energy though

  • When she swims or dives at dark and/or very deep places or depths, she magically starts to glow at her white and pink left side. If Nera wishes to not glow for whatever reason, she can actively stop it. She can only glow in water, she is not able to emit light from her body while being on land

  • Nera is able to magically conjure the most beautiful and shiny pearls. Depending on their size and shine, this process requires more or less magical energy

  • She has the ability of speech and she speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course she is able to interact with her fellow species and other animals and creatures. She can even translate to a certain extent

  • She is able to see in the dark, even under deep water and, unlike other tigers and cats, she can see almost all existing colours



  • Water, especially water from lakes, oceans etc. is very important to her and her body. Not being exposed to it for a longer period of time may cause her to lose her magical powers slowly. It also affects her well-being and she could even start to get depressed

  • Sometimes she is in a state of internal conflict. On the one hand she wants to be sweet, kind and elegant creature, but on the other hand she wants to be a tough, wild and swag tiger and cat hybrid



  • Water, swimming and diving

  • Having fish and other marine creatures as friends

  • Her friends and boyfriend Kai

  • Rain and Rainbows

  • Pearls, corals, gemstones and pretty sea shells

  • Playing, games, toys and fun

  • Elegance and Grace

  • Peaceful Shenanigans

  • Being tough and swag

  • Getting her way

  • Having a good balance between being feminine and tough

  • Discovering and exploring (especially the depths of waters)



  • Hate

  • War

  • Any kind of violence

  • Rudeness

  • Boredom

  • Too much seriousness

  • Others acting fake or being dishonest towards her

  • Dryness, hot sunny days and desert-like places

  • Being involved in embarrassing situations

  • Feeling weak and not tough enough

  • When others call her a tomboy

  • Loss of control


Further Information:

  • Nera's name fits pretty well to her appearance, since her name can either mean "black" like her right side, or "light" like her left side. Both sides also kind of reflect her mixed personality. On the one hand she is kind, graceful and sweet (represented by her left side) and on the other hand she is tough, wild and swag (represented by her right side)

  • She has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though she is a tiger and cat hybrid. Her favourite foods are vegetables, fruits and nuts

  • She was born in the Land of Eternal Dawn. This place is very similar to the Land of Eternal Dusk, but the land is in a state of eternal dawn. Thus the sky, the landscape, the plants etc. look different. In general, the colours of the Land of Eternal Dawn are more pastel-like, while the ones of the Land of Eternal Dusk are more intensive and vibrant. When it's about their population currently, it is difficult to tell where the individual inhabitants come from, since both lands are strongly connected and networked with each other. This particular alliance is responsible for the fact that their creatures bear a close resemblance to each other. It is therefore as good as impossible to tell which being was born in the Land of Eternal Dusk or Dawn. Nera currently lives in the Land of Eternal Dusk, and she plans to stay there for a while. Her water-loving family and she moved to this land to discover the various and special bodies of water located there

  • She and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. She and Kai have been a couple for a long time and are considered inseparable, despite their stubbornness. She and Mira-Rose are best friends. Both share a kind of "hard shell, soft core" trait and therefore face similar challenges, which they can overcome together

  • Nera is still a teenager and therefore quite young. However, compared to other teenagers in the land, she is considered one of the older teenage beings


Nera belongs to Sylviparda (website owner)

Nera was drawn, designed and adopted from anouki.adopts

The reference sheet was also made by anouki.adopts